"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great", said Mandela. History is calling from the future, a hundred years from now, half a hundred years. Ten. Today. Calling the conscience of humanity to act with the fierce urgency of now. This is the time.
Wherever we are standing is the place.
We have just this one flickering instant to hold the wings of the world in our hands, to vouchsafe the future. This is what destiny feels like.
We have to be greater than we have ever been.
Dedicated, selfless, self sacrificial. Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars and they are lining up now to write Rebellion across the skies.
Groups from the North West of England will come together to hold Millbank Road. Our site is called ‘Rewilded North’. We are highlighting the ongoing destruction of our natural world.
We are planning to re-wild our patch of London with three main concept-pieces: The Beehive, The Forest and The Nest. Our site will be focus on living in harmony with nature, rather than seeing it as a resource to be exploited and destroyed. We will be transforming our site with creative direct action, creating an oasis of nature in our polluted capital.
We call on the North to rise up in defence of the natural world and demand climate justice from our government before it is too late.
In the list of solutions to the climate crisis rewilding is amongst the easiest to achieve. It is certainly the most urgent. All that is lacking is the political will.
Our government has attempted to greenwash this solution, through the ‘Great Northern Forest’ project - with the aim to plant 50 million trees within 25 years. But it is far too little, far too late and far too slow - massively underfunded and already behind schedule.
We will be transforming our site, turning the concrete jungle into a green space - but to do this we need plants!! Please encourage everyone coming to bring some form of plant, so we can create a truly rewilded campsite to live in for the 2 weeks!
There are five main activities for the International Rebellion. They are Action Support, Arrestee Support, World Building and Production, Media and Messaging and Movement Support.
We welcome your help in all areas. Getting involved in XR is a deeply satisfying experience. You must do as much or as little as you are able. But whatever time you are able to give we welcome you. If you see something that needs doing, do it.
You can read about these activities here and email if you are interested. Also don’t forget to register for the International Rebellion.
The activities within Action Support are, Action Design, Disability Coordination, Rebel Rider Coordination, Affinity Group Coordination, De-escalation and Non Violent Communciation (NVC), Police Liaison, Action Wellbeing, First Aid, and Debriefing.
Actions are the non-violent direct actions that lie at the heart of XRs achievement of its aims. This parent group covers the coordination of affinity groups who carry out the actions and the different roles of the members of the affinity groups, the planning of the actions. We also need people with bikes to be a means of communication across the site (rebel riders). We also provide disability coordination. Careful communication with the police when appropriate is essential, and this is done through the police liaison group. We also provide support in non-violent communication (NVC) and de-escalation when tensions and conflicts arise. It is particularly important that we provide for the wellbeing of those preparing for and undertaking actions. And, at the end of every action lessons are learned and experiences shared in the debrief.
Not everyone will want to be involved directly in an action or be arrestable, but as you will see there are many vital supporting roles.
If you are interested in this let us know at:
This covers three areas; Arrestee Support itself, Police Station Support and Advocacy. The role of arrestee support is to ensure that when someone is arrested we know where they are taken. Then, when they are released, we are there to meet them, no matter what time of day. We aim to provide around the clock service with people waiting outside the police stations (custody suites) to pick up the arrestees when the police release them. We listen, provide a phone (arrestees should have no phone or identification when arrested), provide food and ensure they are able to get where they need to go up to and including driving our rebels home. This can extend to support and advocacy within the police station. We offer support with court appearances including being able to arrange places for people who have to travel in from further away for court, to stay overnight. This is a vital and fulfilling service to our rebels.
If you would like to help provide this service let us know at:
You don’t need to have a blue tick beside your name to promote XR. Do you know how to use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat? Can you tell a story with only live feeds or within 280 characters? The social media team is all about broadcasting national content, according to the non-violent strategies and passionate principles of XR. If you want to tell the stories of our powerful rebels; promote the theme and message of the Northern site; gather graphics for teams to share across channels or, if you’re heading south for the October Rebellion, contribute by simply live-streaming as much as possible, then this is the group for you. This time, we want XR’s message to spread further than it ever has before! Can you help?
A role for rebels who are good with time-management and who can communicate efficiently. The role includes: liaising with the media on the ground and passing updates to the Rebel Support Office (RSO); collecting information from action teams for press releases; making sure that the press are alerted to specific rebel or affinity group actions and to important spokes/notable arrivals. People who know, confidently, what XR’s message to the world is and who can make sure that the press are always in the right place, at the right time, to capture it.
If you can tell a story using pictures or film, you’re in! In the lead up to October, we’re looking for accessible content which can help to promote the message of XR and give an insight into the people - the teachers, builders, doctors and hairdressers - who are preparing to take to the streets. If you’re also able to make it down to London for the rebellion, then you’ll be both coordinating with others in the group, as well as using your own initiative, to create videos and take pictures that document the movements and strength of our rebels who are fighting for their future.
Being British is often associated with being “too polite to ask”… but not this time. To take a role like this you must be able to communicate confidently and efficiently. The role includes; finding as many connections to notables as you can from fellow organisers and rebels and then passing all contact details to the RSO; greeting and accompanying notables when they arrive on site; alerting the press and any other appropriate departments when notable movements arise i.e. stage managers to know of upcoming speeches, videographers to know of intimate moments with rebels, action teams to know if a notable wishes to be arrested, etc.
Any experience of teaching, training or coordinating? Whether it was in a classroom, a gym or as a parent, we’re looking for people who can support our trained spokespeople and coordinate with the press team. The role entails; alerting spokespeople about new press enquiries and making sure that they are given all the available details when one arises; keeping an organised list of people who are trained to speak to the media and being happy to take part in media training yourself as a reserve; being confident and passionate about explaining what XR is fighting for and why others around the world should join us.
We are looking for people who are willing to share their stories. Using your voice to tell your truth at this historic time is the most powerful thing you can do. We want to keep a list of people willing to share their stories as requests for interviews come in. We find that these requests can be very specific so we would like some basic information about you, to help us get to know you better. Please be assured that this information is not shared outside of the XR Voices group
New people coming for the first time need an induction. XR is a welcoming, open movement of volunteers. There are important principles that we work by; we have our DNA and a rebel code of conduct that we expect everyone to follow. It is designed to give us the greatest chance of succeeding. Providing this induction is an important part of helping people to find their proper place in the movement.
A large action like the International Rebellion requires a considerable logistical organisation. Rota management is important. If this is something you are good at let us know.
We also provide non violent direct action training. NVDA is at the heart of what we do. It is important to undertaker this training and we also need people willing to give the training.
Leafleting and outreach is another core activity. The success of XR requires that we grow and that we bring the support of as many people as possible with us. We do a lot of leafleting and always need people to do this. This can involve talking to people and particularly seeking to understand and support. It is not about protolyzing. If you are good with people and like chatting leafleting is a lot of fun. Outreach also includes more formal presentations of the science and aims of XR. This can be to schools, university groups, faith groups, political parties, LGBT groups, meeting open to all. There is no end to this. There is training in our Heading for Extinction – and what to do about it – talk. If want to be involved in this vital activity let us know.
People’s assemblies: XR calls for a Citizens Assembly as part of it demands and they operate rather like a jury. Peoples Assemblies are held on site and are open forums to discuss events and actions. Peoples Assemblies require coordination. Does this interest you?
A steward at a Rebellion is a fulfilling and sometimes demanding role. But everyone should take a turn at this. You need to be responsive, friendly and calm. A major part of this role is talking to people. The function of stewards is to ensure a safe, healthy & controlled environment for all those on-site, on processions, marches and during actions. Steward prevent overcrowding and watch for any hazards that could cause harm to someone attending the action. Stewards do not intervene is dangerous situations – they escalate any issues to the appropriate contacts (e.g. XR, medical, or police). Stewards reach out to the local population to communicate the objectives and principles of XR, including the police.
We also provide training on dealing with conflicts and tension. And have people on site able to provide these skills. If this is an area you are interested in – again – let us know.
The International Rebellion is a huge physical undertaking. Designing and building the site in London requires considerable planning and coordination. A thousand things have to come together, including planning the sites and mapping out the services, sourcing tents and marquees, programming talks, finding bands, scheduling the music and other events, carrying out creative actions – you have probably seen the Red Brigade street performances for example. We must also provide sound and power, sanitation and waste management, Build and run the kitchens, source food and cooking it for a 24/7 service to our rebels and the public. We must transport the materials and store them, coordinate the camp logistics, manage the wellbeing hubs and ensure that families are properly supported. Then take it down at the end and clean up. It is fun and tiring and very satisfying. If this appeals to you let us know at xrworldsnorth@gmail.com.
And don’t forget we need as many people as possible at the start to put it all together.
This is an urgent shout-out from the Power working group for leisure batteries. These are batteries with a capacity of between 60-200 Ah, which owners of campervan, motorbikes and boats will often own. We are looking for as many as possible for energy storage on-site in October. Please direct all offers and replies to a.n.urwick@gmail.com.
We’re feeling ambitious and we hope you are too; for what would the wild be without its wildlife? The two costume themes will be ’The Birds and the Bees’ and ‘Northern Forest’, Let us flex our creative Northern muscles and get as many of our rebels striped, spotted, feathered and furred as possible. Additionally any props, banners, decorations, placards and artwork that you can bring or make to fit with this theme will help to make our forest a thriving hub of biodiversity, with the potential to put a smile on the face of even the most sour-faced dawn commuter.
If you don’t want to design your own costume, you can contact xrworldsnorth@gmail.com to help out with one of the 7 giant origami animal-heads that we have acquired for the ‘Northern Forest’ theme, they will send you a downloadable pdf to print at home.
We want to hear your ideas for any installations, artwork, workshops, performances or actions that fit with this theme, to make our Northern Forest a thriving hub of biodiversity, with the potential to put a smile on the face of dawn commuters.
So whether you’re an actor, acrobat or clown, a street artist, crafts(wo)man or body painter, or you just want to get involved in planning and carrying out Creative Actions. Get in touch! Email lydiaxr@protonmail.com or join one of the below group chats.
If you fancy spicing up some clothing on our beautiful block printing station
For actors and performers of all types, let’s plan some incredible street performances
join rewilded north performers whatsapp
Whether you want to play ‘The Forest Stage’ or bring music to cold lonely road blocks
join rewilded north musicians whatsapp
If you’re an artist, maker or have any ideas for workshops that fit the theme
join rewilded north workshops whatsapp
No expertise required, just an interest, idea or willingness to get involved!
It's a global movement of Mums, Builders, Footballers, doctors, Teachers, Musicians, Scientists, CEOs and Farmers. It's rich, it's poor, it's big and small. It's old and young and it's everyone in between. It's people like you. Whoever you are. Everybody is needed. Everybody is welcome.
Caring is normal. Action must become normal too. Everybody Now.
Yes! Everyone is invited. And we need you to invite everyone. Whether you are already a rebel or a supporter from another movement, we need you. It’s time to act now and tell the truth.
Our main focus is to shut down Central London in order to pressure the government to meet our 3 demands. Social movements around the world have shown that nonviolent disruption can create the major changes we now need.
The breakdown of our climate has begun. We’re nearly out of time. Take two weeks off work, bring your family and friends and join us in the streets for a one time only ‘chance of life’. The time is now.
The International Rebellion in London will include acts of civil disobedience that can lead to arrest, but no one will be under pressure to take ‘arrestable’ action. There are many ways to help create this rebellion that don’t directly risk arrest. The presence of all rebels is valued, no matter whether they get arrested or not.
All direct action comes with some risk of arrest. Whether or not you will be taking an arrestable action, it is essential to be informed about your legal rights before attending a protest.
No, we understand that other commitments mean that not all rebels will be able to stay for the whole rebellion. But as a collective we will occupy Westminster for as long as we need to. As much time as you can spare will be greatly appreciated and add to the numbers we need to win this.
We have declared a rebellion until we win. The first weekend after this rebellion we will hold disruptive actions around the UK and continue every weekend thereafter.
The purpose of this rebellion is to use mass participation civil disobedience to shut down the UK Government, for as long as it takes, to achieve the real emergency action needed to tackle the crisis.
In April we tried disrupting business, but this time, as the crisis escalates, we must disrupt the state itself. Through nonviolent mass disruption of culturally and politically significant sites, emotional sacrifice, and symbolic occupation we will overwhelm the Government and Police to create an impossible dilemma. Keep arresting thousands upon thousands of rebels, or take emergency action to implement our three core demands.
Affinity groups (AGs) are for non-violent direct actions, comprising of people doing the actions and their support system. AGs consist of 8-12 people and are completely autonomous in deciding which actions to carry out, as long as they adhere to the ten values and principles. They exist as part of our regenerative culture where we take time to pause and reflect, and are a group of close-knit people who support each other both in and out of actions.
We’re encouraging all rebels to get into affinity groups before London, to help support and look after each other for the duration of the rebellion.
If this is not possible before you arrive in London don’t worry - when you come to London you will find like minded people and can join a group there.
We’ve been co-ordinating with TicketTailor to ensure that travel arrangements are possible from most major UK towns and cities.
The main focus of the October Rebellion will be on the government’s failure to act - and from the North, particularly the key issue of the restoration and protection of the natural, world and specifically the failure of the Northern Forest project to address the real issues.
Remember, even if you can’t come to the October Rebellion you can support our social media campaigns from home.
Sharing articles and videos can be a great form of engaging and educational content. One key person in the rewilding movement is George Monbiot, so we have attached some articles/videos from him and others. We really encourage you to do your own research too!
Take a look at manifesto for rewilding the world, rewilding britain, solutions to climate change, and British rainforests.
But, it is not just forest as you can find here Rewilding Britain. In the UK as elsewhere, it is also grasslands, heathlands, wetlands and woodlands. Our coasts and marine landscapes too. We don’t need the IPCC to show us our bare, dying landscape. We need to restore our natural world and we need to do it now.
We will be camping to help hold the site for 2 weeks, so if you are able, please bring camping equipment (pop up tents are ideal and we’ve got some solutions if your tent needs pegs!), warm clothing, food to share, a torch, layers of clothes, sunscreen (always helps to be hopeful!), re-wilding themed costumes, signs, and lots of energy including back up power supplies if you have them.